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The Nine Lives of Gregor Mendel

Jan Sapp
Department of Science and Technology Studies
York University
Ontario, Canada

(This article originally appeared in Experimental Inquiries, edited by H. E. Le Grand, (Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1990), pp. 137-166. It appears at MendelWeb, for non-commercial educational use only, with the kind permission of the author and Kluwer. Although you are welcome to download this text, please do not reproduce it without the permission of the author and Kluwer Academic Publishing.)

Copyright © 1990 by Kluwer Academic Publishers.


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(This article originally appeared in Experimental Inquiries, edited by H. E. Le Grand, (Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1990), pp. 137-166. It appears at MendelWeb, for non-commercial educational use only, with the kind permission of the author and Kluwer. Although you are welcome to download this text, please do not reproduce it without the permission of the author and Kluwer Academic Publishing.)

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