MendelWeb Acknowledgements and Thanks
I would like first to thank all the makers and keepers of the many content-based websites to which MendelWeb is linked; I hope they'll all take pride in, and credit for, this project.
For making MendelWeb possible I would like to especially acknowledge: Lee Silverman, founding president of Netspace, for his providing a home for a project like MendelWeb, and for his help with various things technical; CIS at Brown, for maintaining the clusters and connections that allowed me to work on MendelWeb from just about anywhere; Gustavo Glusman, at The Weizmann Institute, and Eric Mercer, at CalTech, for their Moo help, and still more thanks to Gustavo for linking the Mendelrooms; Mindy Sobota, for help with the German texts; Keith Robison, and Phil McClean for their early encouragement and help; and Alan Cairns, for his kindness and generous support for a MendelWeb mirror site. Recently, Santiago Barona provided great help in setting up the index for MendelWeb, and I would like to thank him here. Finally, I wish to thank Professors Hartl, Kimmelman, Olby, Orel, Paul, Peaslee and Sapp, and their publishers, for their consideration and wonderful contributions to MendelWeb.
Many people have given me encouragement in this project, but I'd like to especially thank:
At Brown: Professor Leon N Cooper and the members of the Institute for Brain & Neural Systems, for their great patience and mild curiosity; Professor Joan Richards for her support and encouragement; Professors Peter Heywood and Barrett Hazeltine for their help and kindness; and Helen F. Schmierer, for her always encouraging words.
At Columbia: Eilleen Gillooly, for her support and interest ; Professor Wallace Gray, who taught me the great value of a guided reading; and Paul McNeil, for his support over many years.
In New York: Steve Hall, and Ari Mintz, for their friendship and encouragement; and Stella Michaelis, for her help with translations at all hours, and for the Thomas Bernhard poster.
In Providence: The Four Seasons Collective, for their friendship and devotion to dinner; the members of the Olney Institute, Y.E.N.; and Mary Lou Jepsen, for her friendship and interest.
Most of all, I'd like to thank Cristina, for dragging me to Providence in the first place, and for making it a great and bizarre pleasure. MendelWeb is dedicated to her, to my mother, and to the memory of my father.
Roger B. Blumberg